"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Day 7 Juneathon

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Day 7 Juneathon

Day 7 started bright and early for me at 7.15am (in the holidays too!) with a hill training run! I usually do my utmost to avoid hills whilst running (very difficult living in the very hilly Lake District!), however my Marathon Training Plan stated for today a 3 mile hill training run consisting of a 400m hill climb before turning round to go back down ... to repeat ... and repeat! Apparently this helps lactate tolerance! I think I cheated slightly today with my first hill training session but my excuse is I was very short of time as I was getting the 9.11am train to Manchester for a girlie shopping/drinking day!. 

Anyhow I ran a mile to the nearest appropriate sized hill, ran up and down it three times before running the mile back home again, equalling 3 miles in total!  I'm sure when it states a 3 mile hill run that I should be actually doing 3 miles on the hill plus extra mileage to get there and back but hey-ho first time doing hill repeats and 3 times up was more than enough! However, I have got to say in a perverse sort of way I actually enjoyed the challenge and because I knew it was my workout I didn't have to worry about pacing myself to enable me to complete an entire route afterwards!

The hills are my friends and they will make me stronger ...

View my efforts here!

Today's contribution to Juneathon:

Running 3.19 miles
Walking (to the train station!) 0.86 miles (every little counts!) plus many many miles traipsing around the shops of Manchester - I should have set my Garmin to see how many miles we actually did before falling into the pub for sustenance!!

One week done, three more to survive!

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