"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Janathon Day 10 - getting faster slowly!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Janathon Day 10 - getting faster slowly!

Tonight's contribution to Janathon was swimming! 

For the first time EVER I wasn't the slowest swimmer in the zoned off swimming lanes. I am usually fairly uncomfortable in the lanes unless it's quiet as I feel like I am holding people up behind me. I then try and go faster, panic, start swallowing water and everything goes to pot!  

I did 4 slow warm-up lengths doing breaststroke in the main pool, but it was busy again so I braved the lanes. I struggled initially with my goggles to get that happy medium between being so slack they leak to being too tight they cause nasal problems! Eventually after lots of adjustments I got sorted and started swimming front crawl. I was delighted to discover that for the first time ever there were 2 young men who were actually slower than me!  I obviously unintentionally did the intimidating bit other people do to me as when I got too close to them they let me go ahead at the end of each length.  It felt good!  However there are still lots of other swimmers swimming much faster than me but I finally feel like I am improving slowly!  

I swam a further 66 lengths front crawl. So I swam a total of 70 lengths which is 1750 meters or 1.09 miles - WHOOPEE that's the furthest I have swum EVER! 

I feel really chuffed with myself!

Perhaps by April I WILL be good enough to enter a triathlon!

Swimming  miles today: 1.09
Time: 1 hour 04 minutes 43 seconds
Average pace: 3.44 minutes per 100 metres 

Total Janathon Running miles: 27.83  / 80 running miles
Total Janathan Walking miles: 12.79 / 30 walking miles
Total Janathan Cycling miles: 23.39/ 130 cycling miles
Total Janathon Swimming miles: 2.74 / 10 swimming miles
Total Janathon non-mileage exercise: 1 hour Circuits

Total Janathon mileage: 66.75

Tomorrow's contribution will be a run!

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