"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Janathon Day 5 - Do shopping miles count?

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Janathon Day 5 - Do shopping miles count?

After a lazy start to the day we headed off to Carlisle for a shopping trip to buy some presents for my daughter's 17th Birthday on Tuesday!  It was very inconsiderate of her to be born so near to Christmas as it makes birthday present ideas very difficult! Luckily for us we only needed some little things for her to open as her main pressie is driving lessons!  Not sure if the world is ready for my daughter being behind the wheel of a car! BEWARE!

Anyhow after traipsing around the shops trying to find something anything to wrap up, and a pit stop for lunch and coffee I am sure I would have added an extra 3 miles onto my mileage total!!!  If only I had worn my Garmin ...

After all the miles I did yesterday, followed by a shopping trip today I was feeling rather tired and within 5 minutes of getting in the car for the 50 minute journey home I was asleep!  Am I going to have the energy for this Janathon lark?

On the Road 1.0 - Autumn Country Training Ride
I convinced myself I would feel better after exercise and got changed into my cycling gear to do a Spinervals session on the Turbo Trainer!  Coach Troy shouted encouraged me through the session and I managed 10.05 miles. I have a lot more pedalling to do as Troy reckoned by the end that I had done 17 miles but according to my bike computer I had only done 10, but I had kept the cadence and gears at the correct level!  I don't understand this! The stats can be viewed here.

I would like to get more of these training DVD's as I find this one very motivational!

So I'm off the mark now for all activities and Janathon now looks like this ...

Total Janathon Running miles: 13.11 / 80 running miles
Total Janathan Walking miles: 9.44 / 30 walking miles
Total Janathan Cycling miles: 10.05/ 130 cycling miles
Total Janathon Swimming miles: 0.78 / 10 swimming miles

Total Janathon non-mileage exercise: 1 hour Circuits
Total Janathon mileage: 33.38

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