This afternoon once I had finished work I took the dog out for a walk along the old canal path and river. It was a lovely bright afternoon although I had to be careful of not slipping on random patches of ice and snow which were still lingering on sheltered areas! I managed 2.38 miles which can be seen here!
Later on I had my daughter's parents evening! A proud mummy moment. I don't care if people think I'm boasting (I am....shamelessly) but I'm so proud of my daughter today! She is in the lower sixth studying towards her A Levels. She did exceptionally well in her first set of AS exams and all the teachers are singing her praises! One even said they would love a class full of Jessica's ... hummmmmmmmmm not sure I would want a house full!
Once home I went on my Cycle Turbo Trainer and did some speed interval training in a very easy gear so as not to put any pressure whatsoever on my ankle. I really enjoyed being back doing "hard" exercise and managed 9.10 miles which can be seen here. I finished off with my physio ankle exercises on my "bad" leg!
By the way - I am feeling proud of myself too!
Tomorrow is a running day! Bring it on!
ONLY 32 days to go until ...
Post injury miles and inch/weight loss since 9th March!
Running: 3.62 Miles
Walking: 9.76 Miles
Cycling: 9.10 Miles
Core Strength Day 1: 14 minutes 43 seconds
Core Strength Day 2: 12 minutes 15 seconds
Core Strength Day 2: 12 minutes 15 seconds
Core Strength Day 3: 13 minutes 20 seconds
Weight loss: 0/8 pounds
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