As I mentioned last night there were 2 running groups going on tonight. One was the usual speed interval session and the other a technique session.
I pondered over which one to do and decided to try the technique session since it was a one off one!
We met at 7 O Clock and just 4 people turned up for it. We set off at a comfortable pace to warm up, and ended up in a flood lit factory car park (which was empty!) where we started doing some drills to encourage forefoot running and the forward lean motion associated with the pose method of running. We then went on to practise changing speed quickly from slow to sprinting just be leaning forward more! She likened the action to being on a segway - since I struggled to master this I suppose I have no hope!
Anyhow, the session lasted an hour and a half but I am not sure I am any the wiser, or that I worked very hard! I didn't so much as break a sweat!
I much prefer the gut busting challenging speed session - at least I feel I have worked hard then!
Next week back to it!
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