"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Week 9 and Interval training!

Monday, 13 January 2014

Week 9 and Interval training!

of marathon Training commences!

Mondays are usually Tri Club swimming training but I couldn't go this evening as we were going out for a family meal, before my son goes back to Uni tomorrow!

So I went for an early run instead to work up a good appetite for the meal!

The training plan stipulated interval training which after the 1 mile warm up consisted of 1.5 miles run at a fast pace (8:30 to 8:40 minute miles) followed by 0.5 mile at a slow pace repeated 3 times before doing a cool down mile!

I really want to get faster so to do successful interval training is becoming a priority for me!  I decided that I would do the same circuit three times as it would mean avoiding crossing any roads and I could compare my pace for each interval!

My first 1.5 mile interval was run @ 8:37 pace (within the goal pace), my second 1.5 mile interval was slower @ 8:44 pace (just outside the goal pace) and my third interval was much slower @ 9:07 pace!  I really tried to push the pace on the third set but I was obviously too tired to maintain it!

However, I was pleased to run 7:41 miles at an average 9:16 minute mile pace.

One day with plenty of practise and perseverance I will succeed!!!

I have just been reading on another blog about the 9/10 minute mile game - I am going start adding up my points and see if I can be motivated to go faster! Read how to play this game here!

If I was to add my run up tonight based on the 10 minute mile game I would get a total of 326 points if I'm playing it properly!! 

Hopefully my score will go up and I can start on the 9 minute mile game before too long!

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