Despite spending months training hard and focusing on a sub 4 goal it didn't come together on the day leaving me feeling disappointed, sad and a bit of a failure.
I have decided to spend some time analysing the marathon to see if I can pinpoint what went wrong so it doesn't happen again!
I finished both my marathon's within 30 seconds of each other but my first one felt relatively easy and enjoyable, whilst this recent one felt like the hardest thing I have ever done and I hated every single moment.
Did I train more for my first marathon?
No in actual fact I think I trained far harder for the second marathon, for which I followed a 20 week training plan. I ran 5 or 6 times a week as well as going swimming and doing yoga. My long runs (over 13.1 miles) started off at 14.23 miles, building up to 15.15 miles, 17.01 miles, 17.41 miles, 18.78 miles, 20.00 miles and the longest long run was 22.04 miles making a total of 7 long runs.
During this training I tried my best to make all my runs different and included speed intervals, hill reps, tempo runs and fartleks. I started running with the Tri Club running group and this really helped me with my pace. During this training I entered 2 x 10K races, a 6 miler, 2 x half marathons and a 20 miler. Prior to starting this training programme I was just starting to get my fitness levels back after 9 months of injury and was still not 100% confident with about the strength of my ankle and Achilles.
During the 20 weeks I ran a total of 580.31 miles, 125.34 miles more than I did whilst training for my first marathon.
For my first marathon I followed a 18 week training plan but extended it over 20 weeks as I was on holiday for 2 weeks during weeks 10 and 11. I ran 3 or 4 times a week as well as doing Pilates, steps, cycling and going to the gym regularly. My long runs (over 13.1 miles) started off at 14.09 miles, building up to 16.19 miles, 19.56 miles, 20.00 miles and the longest long run was 21.72 miles making a total of 5 long runs. During this training I was a one pace pony, and all my training runs tended to be slow plods whether they were 5 miles or 22 miles in length! I ran all my training runs alone. During this training I entered 2 x 10K races, 3 x half marathons as well as a cycling sportive. Prior to starting this training programme I had a solid fitness base as I had just trained and successfully completed (using a run/walk strategy) the Keswick to Barrow 40 mile challenge.
During the 20 weeks I ran a total of 454.88 miles, 125.34 less than I did for my second marathon.
Race Day?
I fuelled the same for both marathons using high 5 gels every 5 miles.
However, I think I drank more water during my first marathon as it was served in bottles whilst in my second marathon it was served in hard to drink out of pouches.
The weather was fine on both days, although I think I overdressed during my second marathon by wearing a long sleeve base layer and a vest, whereas for my first I wore just a vest!
I had no expectations for my first, just to finish was the goal! For my second I think I set myself up for failure by having too high expectations by aiming for a sub 4! My pace was fairly consistent in my first but in my second I started off fast and ended up very slow at the end!
My first marathon was a much smaller affair with approx 3000 runners, whereas Manchester was extremely overcrowded with approx 6000 runners. There was a lot more "walking" runners at my second marathon which was hard on me mentally! Surely if other people were walking I should be too?!
After writing down the facts in this blog it has made me see more clearly that I wasn't fit initially when I set out to train for my second marathon. Although I didn't run as much whilst training for my first marathon I actually did more in the way of cross training and had a much better base fitness! The race I picked for my first marathon was much more scenic and a better choice although not as flat!
I enjoyed training better for my second marathon which was during the winter opposed to the first where I trained during the Summer!
So ...
I have decided to stop beating myself up for not hitting a sub 4!
Considering my injury history I did well to complete the training and marathon injury free!
I said on Sunday NEVER again BUT I think I want to give it another go and end my marathon career with positive memories!
It is time to pick myself up and get back on with training for my next challenge!
- A sprint triathlon in just 17 days!
Tonight I went to yoga and had a good stretch and relaxation session which I really enjoyed.
I broke up for the Easter Holidays today after a very sad week saying good-bye to both our Head Teacher and my Class teacher who are both retiring.
Big Changes ahead!
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