I had a bit of a disastrous nights sleep last night and was rudely awakened at around 2am when I somehow managed to fall out of bed onto the hard tiled floor. I was in a lot of discomfort afterwards and woke up this morning sporting an egg on the left hand side of my head and a lovely bruise on the left of my face!
Consequently I woke up later than I did yesterday but not to be deterred I set off clutching my water bottle at around 6:30am and already it felt much hotter than yesterday or was it just that I was later?!
After managing not to get totally lost yesterday I felt slightly more confident in my homing skills today.
I decided to go in the same direction as yesterday and onto the golf course and managed an uneventful 4 mile loop and only came across one stern looking guard who wouldn't allow me to pass!
There were several other runners out today too, perhaps with being a little later more people were up and about.
I did 4:10 miles at an average 9:36 min mile pace! Altogether I ran for 39:21 minutes.
Exactly what my plan expected of me! Feeling chuffed with myself!
I even remembered to do some stretches despite being soaked to the skin in sweat with a very sore face and tender head! After a shower I headed back to bed for a snooze before breakfast!
I had planned on using one of the two air conditioned gyms during my holiday here but after chatting with another runner who said they were barely air conditioned and there not being much in them I probably won't bother and will stick to proper running! He also said he struggled to set the machines up as they were all programmed in Spanish! Another reason to stay away!
The rest of the day was spent on the beach, reading, eating, drinking, sleeping and swimming in the sea,where I suffered another calamity!
My husband thought it would be hilarious to throw a huge mound of seaweed at me to make me squeal like a girl. It had the desired effect as I did indeed squeal but he was ever so slightly shocked when I said I felt like I had been stung and then my arm, shoulder and neck proceeded to come out in angry red wheals which were incredibly itchy and sore! Thankfully this reaction only lasted a couple of hours before it settled down and then vanished completely! We still have no idea whether it was a variety of stinging seaweed or whether I'm just a delicate flower who reacted to its rough texture! Lesson learned for hubby although he did feel bad and was suitably apologetic and was at my beck and call for the rest of the day!
At around 5 O'clock it was time for our daily walk along the beach.
We headed left today and walked for 1 hour 15 minutes and covered 3:33 miles, this time passing 2 weddings along the way.
The sea was exceptionally choppy today with big waves breaking around our feet, a smaller person could easily have been knocked off their feet and taken out to sea!
A very scary thought!
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