"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Janathon 2012 - DAY 4

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Janathon 2012 - DAY 4

Yet another Wet, wet, wet day!!!  My half marathon training plan tip of the day a few weeks ago was :  "Run in all weathers as you never know what the weather will be doing on the event day".  Well, I think I have now had enough practise in wind, rain and hail and its time I practised in the nice warm sunshine!  Anyone up there listening?

I work in a school, so I'm sure if I wore a pedometer all day I would win this hands-down with all the running around I do after the kids!!!  However, I'm sure that wouldn't be counted!

I finished work at 3.30pm and it had rained non-stop all day, but I had to take the dog out for a walk come what may!  I donned my wet weather gear and wellies and traipsed through huge puddles and rivers of mud, fighting against gale force winds with an equally unimpressed dog in tow!  Oh the joys of living in the Lake District! I managed to persuade the dog to walk 1.3 miles with a struggle - he's definitely a fair weather dog!!  He does his business and then looks at me as if to say "OK can I go home now?!".

I dried off, made tea and did all the other million jobs us women have to do, and then I decided to brave the Great British weather for a second time today and go for a run - this time alone!

The rain and wind still hadn't improved but as someone said to me a few weeks ago "Man it out - you only get wet once!" - very true, by the time I got to the end of the street I was drenched to the skin with soggy socks!  Undeterred I kept running!  I actually saw several other equally stupid runners out this evening which surprised me!

I got home after managing a rather wet 4.34 miles, had a shower and food then settled down with my laptop and Garmin to upload my run!  After days of trying (and failing!) I actually worked out how to upload my Garmin to Runkeeper as well as to Garmin Connect!   I don't need to record my runs twice any more!!  I'm a one device girl now!!  Whoo Hoo!!!

Running Miles: 4.34
Time: 42 minutes 41 seconds
Average pace: 9.53
Average speed: 6.1 mph

View my run on:  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/138921365

Walking Miles: 1.30 miles

View my walk on:  http://runkeeper.com/user/fitlesley/activity/64875904 

Janathon total to date:

Running  -  15.92
Walking  -     5.71 miles

Total Janathon Mileage - 21.63

1 comment:

  1. twice a day? must get a prize for that, keep it going you'll hit 120 miles at this rate....easily x
