"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Janathon Day 14 - I feel good!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Janathon Day 14 - I feel good!

What a busy day!  This morning it was a beautiful cold crisp sunny January day, Jack frost had turned everything white and sparkley and very pretty!  It was too good an opportuity to miss and we set off with the dog on a nice walk!  No rain, no wind - this is what winter should be like!  However, it was hard walking in some places!  The fields had been churned up by the animals in the very wet weather, leaving deep hoof prints in the mud, combine that with Jack Frost and the result is treacherous!  Anyway, I really enjoyed the walk, not sure about the dog who kept stumbling down frozen holes in the mud!  It was just over 10 miles by the time we got back home. I had lunch then a quick change, and I headed off into town for some retail therapy for me - more walking but I won't push my luck by logging it!!!  :-)

When I got home another quick change (feeling like Mr Ben at this point!) into my running gear and I hit the streets.  I was expecting to feel really crap after walking 10 miles, but I felt surprisingly good!  Maybe my body appreciated the warm up!  Talking of warm up - I have decided today I am definitely not a "proper" runner!  Although the sun was shining it was still FREEEEEZING cold and every runner I saw today seemed to be attired in shorts and T shirts!  WHY FFS?  Its January and its COLD!! Perhaps that's why everyone else runs faster than me - they are running to get home before frostbite sets in! Whereas, there's me in fleecy running tights, long sleeve top,  running gilet, hat and gloves and I wasn't overheating! Anyhow, I did a short 3 miler and felt really energetic!

Running Miles: 3.39miles
Time: 31 minutes, 37 seconds.
Average pace: 9.20
Average speed: 6.43 MPH

View my run on: http://runkeeper.com/user/fitlesley/activity/66386065

Walking Miles:  10.75
View my walk on:  http://runkeeper.com/user/fitlesley/activity/66362309 

Total Janathon Running miles:  58.51
Total Janathan Walking miles: 18.85
Total Janathan Cycling miles: 4.2

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