Today is not just another Jananthon day.
Today is not just any other Friday.
Today is Friday the 13th, and if you are superstitious
Today is a day to lock your doors and stay inside.
Luckily for me and my Janathon attempt I am NOT superstitious and managed to get out for an earlier run than usual.
When I got in from work, instead of the usual sit down with a coffee (fatal) I went straight upstairs and changed into my running gear and hit the streets. But my word, it was a cold one, the coldest run yet and considering the date and the icy paths I'm surprised I made it home without any mishaps! Even with my gloves on, my fingers were white and numb by the time I got home!
As I am going out this evening, I'd planned just a short run. This was lucky for me as my legs felt sooo heavy tonight! I'm not sure whether this is the straight from work effect or just because its Day 13!
Weekend at last - longer runs planned for a couples of days, legs willing!
Running Miles: 3.70miles
Time: 36 minutes, 08 seconds.
Average pace: 9.46
Average speed: 6.1 MPH
Total Janathon Running miles: 55.12
Total Janathan Walking miles: 8.1
Total Janathan Cycling miles: 4.2
v. good