So... it looks like I am back to my original plan - nails, wood, hammer at the ready, contacted Noah for plans, now ... whose willing to help build it?!!
Tonight I went out running in the rain, nothing unusual there I hear you say, but the rain tonight was the type that gets you VERY wet!! You are probably thinking "It's rain, it's water, that's what water does - it gets you wet!". However, there are many different types of rain and living in the Lake District I am an expert in this field - heavy rain, fine rain, driving rain, sleety rain, drizzle, but today's rain was almost like a mist. I didn't actually notice it was raining whilst I was out, but when I got home I was completely soaked - and today it wasn't all sweat, I know this because my feet were sodden too!!!
Anyhow, after yesterdays effort's the legs were less willing today. I was keen to set a good pace again, mainly because its Friday night and I wanted to get home before wine o'clock, but the body and mind weren't cooperating! I have come to the conclusion that I must run on solar batteries and mine are in urgent need of a recharge! Why? Well, the little bit of sunshine I enjoyed yesterday was enough to power my legs to run the fastest they have ever run, so to achieve my dream and goal of a 2 hour half marathon I am in desperate need of some more sunshine! Perhaps a foreign holiday is in order...
As my batteries were running low I kept the run relatively short this evening, and managed 4.21 miles but was disappointed to see my pace had indeed decreased after my high of yesterday. Perhaps I'm craving a rest day already... NO I WILL NOT GIVE IN!!
Running Miles: 4.21 miles
Time: 41 minutes 27 seconds
Average pace: 9.50
Average speed: 6.1 MPH
View my run on:
Janathon total to date:
Running - 26.13
Walking - 5.71 miles
Total Janathon Mileage - 31.84
Running - 26.13
Walking - 5.71 miles
Total Janathon Mileage - 31.84
dont give up, you cant have hit the january wall yet!!!