"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Juneathon Day 4 & Day 5

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Juneathon Day 4 & Day 5

Jog, log, blog!  Well I've failed on the last one, but I'm blaming the Queen! 

Yesterday was Day 4 of Juneathon, but also the day of our Jubilee BBQ! Thinking I would struggle to fit a run in yesterday I went out as soon as I got up.  It was also a sunny day so I thought it would be a good idea to run early just in case (fingers crossed) the sun got really hot later in the day! Anyhow, I decided to run a route I hadn't done for over a year to see any improvement, after a silly family asking for directions to the park scuppered my attempts at running a fast time the day before on another route! All was going well, until ... would you believe an old woman purposely crossed the road to stop me to ask where the Car Boot sale was!  What am I... the running Oracle?!  How would I know where it was?! I smiled politely whilst swearing at her under my breath! I struggled to get back into my pace after this but I still managed a good improvement on the year before's run! 8.40 min/miles compared to 9.48 min/miles!  I AM getting faster! View this run here! Once home I showered and then got into party organising mode - bunting erected in the garden, extra chairs and extra BBQ collected from neighbours, glasses and plates organised, food sorted, drink chilled etc etc etc. Eventually everything was ready and there was still time to go for a walk with the dog before changing into my patriotic clothes and welcome guests AND ... thankfully the sun was still shining! Whoo Hoooo! A fun time was had by all and the sun stayed out for us most of the evening so all was good!

My new trainers!  Pity they aren't pink!
Today was Day 5 Juneathon!  I started the day off trying to make some headway with the washing of glasses/plates and collecting beer cans  from every crevice in the garden! After which I took the dog for a walk to try and clear my slightly hungover head.  By the time I got home it was raining, so I went into town and bought myself some new trainers! I'm starting Marathon training and decided I needed some trainers which had good (better than my old ones) cushioning and ended up with some Asics, after trying on many, many others! They aren't very pretty but seem very comfortable! Coffee and cake followed in Costa before heading home and guess what?  I just had to try out my new trainers!  It had stopped raining so off I went!  My shoes were very comfortable but felt much heavier than my old minimalistic trainers, but I suppose that's what you get for more cushioning!  I'm sure I will get used to it in time! View this run here!

So I have run 18.8 miles and walked 4.70 miles so far in Juneathon!