"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Janathon Day 7 - an orange blob for me!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Janathon Day 7 - an orange blob for me!

First day back to school for me after 2 weeks Christmas Holidays! It was a bit of an effort to get up when the alarm rang loudly at 7 am, I just wanted to roll over and go back to sleep!!  I still wasn't fully awake when I was greeted by thirty 4 and 5 year old's all wanting to tell me what Father Christmas brought them, and so followed a very tiring but enjoyable day!

I now want to go and hide behind the sofa and cry ... I have just found out that I have an "orange blob" on my Great North Run entry form which basically means I've been rejected ... again!  There's still a glimmer of hope that I will get in as this was only for the first Daily Mirror ballot and the main one is still to be drawn, so with fingers, toes and everything else crossed  I will have to sit and wait it out until that ballot takes place in February!! I'm not hopeful as I have entered and been rejected for the last 2 years (although I have still  run for a charity both times) and I was rejected for the London Marathon too.  Obviously I'm not a lucky ducky! It gets really difficult to keep running these events for charities and pestering people for money, it will get to the point where all my family and friends will start to avoid me when they know its "that" time of year again! 

So back to Janathon and stop my whinging!  

Today was day one back to school, day one of Jantastic and day one of my Triathlon training!  OOhhh so much to think about and so little time! I survived the first day back at school and since my triathlon plan says its "swimming" tonight (and there's no arguing with the plan!) I  have had to put my running mileage contribution to Janatastic on hold until tomorrow! I have set my own January goal as running 4 times a week - could be tricky when I have cycling and swimming to fit in too! I am part of the Run for Fun Jantastic Team which is the largest team entered so I mustn't let them down!! More Jantastic information can be found here! 

I went swimming as per plan!  

When I first got there it was packed out!  I went to the zoned off lanes part as there was no hope of swimming uninterrupted in the main pool.  However even this area was busy and I felt like I was swimming in the sea,  there were so many waves being created by the passing swimmers!  I was beginning to feel quite despondent as I was exhausted fairly early on and was ready to erase my triathlon dream! I persevered and I'm not sure whether I got second wind or whether it got easier as it got quieter, I just feel very much out my comfort zone with swimming! If its the latter I had best get used to swimming in crowds for race day (if I actually make it to a race!).
I managed to swim 56 lengths of the 25 metre pool, making a total of 1400 metres in 1 hour 36 seconds.  This gives me 0.87 miles to add to my Janathon totals.

Total Janathon Running miles: 19.58 / 80 running miles
Total Janathan Walking miles: 12.79 / 30 walking miles
Total Janathan Cycling miles: 10.05/ 130 cycling miles
Total Janathon Swimming miles: 1.65 / 10 swimming miles
Total Janathon non-mileage exercise: 1 hour Circuits

Total Janathon mileage: 44.07

Cycling day tomorrow, with a little run thrown in too!

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