So back to the shuffle ...
My choice was either miss a long run this week or go tonight with legs that were still feeling heavy and tired from Sunday's Half Marathon!
I have no idea what the experts would advise in this situation but rightly or wrongly I decided that to run on tired legs would be good for endurance and mental strength.
The long run for Saturday was a 90 minute run with 5 miles in the middle at a 9 mile pace. So I did that tonight instead of the stipulated rest day which I will get at the weekend instead - just a little delayed!
It wasn't an ideal situation as I had had a very busy day at work being out on a school trip, but once I was home I got changed into my running gear, grabbed my i-pod and a bottle of water and headed out!
Boy oh boy it was hot! My plan was to do a 2 mile easy warm up, then 5 miles at 9 min/mile pace and then make it up to the 90 minutes with a easy cool down.
I managed a very slow first mile, followed by a much faster second mile before the pace section kicked in. I managed 3 out of the 5 miles at the desired 9 m/m pace and then it all went pear-shaped!
My splits for the pace section were 8:58, 8:56, 9:20, 9:02, 9:48.
My legs felt so heavy and I felt so hot it became more about continuing to run rather than worrying about the pace I was running at!
I definitely exercised my mental strength as I so wanted to ring home for a lift - but resisted the temptation!
Once home, I actually felt physically ill! I'm not sure whether it was dehyration, sun stroke or exhaustion but it wasn't good!
All in all not a good run and my average pace was slow at 9.35 minute mile but considering it was 22C and sunny I think I did well to persevere! At least I can tick it off for this week, and hope my next pace run is faster!
You can view this run here.
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