"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Another week over, another race ran!

Sunday 9 June 2013

Another week over, another race ran!

Its been a busy weekend so I haven't had time to blog! The weather has continued to be glorious, and at times its been very hot running!  Never satisfied!

On Friday I went for a 1 hour easy run which actually lasted 1 hour 10 minutes!  Once again I tried to keep an eye on my Heart Rate Monitor rather than my pace.  I managed to maintain my HR at around 150 BPM better than I did on Wednesday!  It was a very hot but uneventful run and I covered 7.02 miles which can be seen here.

On Saturday I went flying instead of running and you can read about my experience here.

... and today was RACE DAY! Slightly disappointed with my performance but you can read about it here.

That takes us up to that time of week again where I say:

I have  survived week 7 of my marathon training and my stats for the week look like this:

Running: 24:88 miles in 3 runs.
Time on feet: 4:01:05


Cross Training-

Walking: 2.93 Miles
Cycling: 7.17 Miles
Pilate's: 1 hour
Swimming: 0.62

Total Weekly Miles:  35.61 Miles

and my total training for the marathon to date since 22nd April 2013 is:

Running : 161.64 Miles
Time on feet: 25:20:24


Cross Training-

Pilate's: 5 hour
Circuit Training: 3 hour
Swimming:  6.59  Miles
Walking: 44.36 Miles
Cycling: 43.82 Miles

Total Miles: 256.41

Bring on week 8 - I am ready for you!

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