"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Week 8 commences with self-inflicted pain!

Monday 10 June 2013

Week 8 commences with self-inflicted pain!

I was pleased to see the words "Easy Run" on my Marathon Training plan for today.  

My legs were feeling heavy after the 10K race yesterday and then a busy day at work today!

I had to go for my 40 minutes run as soon as I came in from work as I had a sports massage booked for later on.  

Another hot and sunny day, so I donned my shorts and vest top and headed out on the streets.  During the first mile I had to convince my legs that they really could keep going and to stop being lazy!  Once they realised I was being serious and there really was no going back they decided to loosen up and cooperate.   

Once I settled down into this run I enjoyed it although there seemed to be a lot of idiots around who were texting whilst walking and were unable to walk in a straight line at the same time!  On several occasions I nearly had collisions, which weren't my fault! One person was texting whilst walking with earphones in and then when I ran past she decided to swing her rucksack off her shoulder to get something out and nearly took me out with it!!!  GRRRRRRR if I hadn't been on the ball and dodged I would have been flattened and the girl just looked at me as if to say "What are you doing there?"

 I used my Heart Rate Monitor to depict the pace and felt fairly comfortable, although it wasn't as slow as previous HR runs!  My heart allowed me to do average 9:10 minute miles! I ran 4.71 miles in 43 minutes. You can view this run here.

I'm still not sure how there can be such a variance in the pace when keeping to the same Heart Rate - my first 150 BPM HR Run was at an average 10.06, my second at 9.50, and my third at 9.10!  Does this mean I am getting fitter? 

Anyhow as soon as I got home, I jumped in the shower, got dressed in fresh shorts and T Shirt before going straight back out again for my first, and maybe last Sports Massage!

No one told me it hurt THAT much!  I had to bite my tongue to stop myself swearing and at one point my eyes were watering!  It was very strange that one leg hurt more than the other and then when he attacked my buttocks .... OMG!

He reckons by this time tomorrow I will feel like I have new legs!  He best be right - I have a Half Marathon to run on Sunday!

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