"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Week 5 Marathon Training

Monday, 16 December 2013

Week 5 Marathon Training

I can't believe I am up to week 5 already in my 20 week Marathon Training Plan!

The miles are slowly creeping up and I am pleased to report that my fitness seems to be returning nicely, I just need to work on getting my speed back up too!

I was worried that my Achilles might have started grumbling after Saturdays hilly race, but fingers crossed all seems to be well!

I have had a busy day at work today with finishing off all things Christmassy this morning followed by a Christmas Party and a visit from Santa this afternoon!  Kids are starting to get hyper - thankfully we have only 2 days to survive before we break up for Christmas!!

Monday Night is cross training night which is swimming with the Tri Club Night! 

This was the last Tri Club swimming session until the 6th January so I thought I had best try to make it a good one! 

I don't know whether I would describe it as good but it was hard work! 

We started off with 12 lengths as a warm up then we went into drills.  I HATE drills! I can't do them and I feel like I am drowning most of the time but I persevered! We did "catch-up", "Sculling" (my most hated!), "doggy" and "fist".

THEN as if this wasn't enough we went into doing 6 x100 metre sets, followed by 2 x 200 metre sets all whilst maintaining our CSS!

All in all I swam a total of 1750 metres or 1.09 miles or 70 lengths!

If my aching arms and incessant yawning is anything to go by I think its time for bed!  Another full-on day tomorrow!

Night Night!

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