Although this was meant to be an easy run I was surprised to see that I had managed to run at an average pace of 8:54 minute miles! I felt really good when I had finished and could have kept going!
Later in the evening I really enjoyed a good stretch and relaxation at Yoga! My balance and flexibility is definitely improving!
On Thursday I got out of bed and had very very very tight painful buttocks! To make matters worse the rain had returned and I had a 10 mile "slow" run to do!
Luckily by the time I had spent the day at work and used the foam roller my buttocks were feeling better!
I waited until around 6pm before setting off with the hope that it would stop raining however I was deluded!
So I donned my rain jacket and set off without a route in mind, I just went where my feet took me!
Once I got going the rain wasn't too bad and after the first few miles it became intermittent and thankfully wasn't the torrential stuff of runs gone by!
I was fairly impressed with my mileage estimation skills when I got home and stopped my Garmin at 9.99 miles! I didn't look at my Garmin pace at all during the run! This was meant to be an easy run so pace wasn't an issue. I managed an average pace of 9.27 minute miles which wasn't too bad considering the weather, the traffic and the darkness! I also spent a lot of my time dodging dangerous women with umbrellas and idiots with dogs on extendable leads!
Today is a rest day before my long 22 mile run tomorrow!
I am feeling ever so slightly nervous about it but need to get a grip - in less than 30 days I will be running 26.2 miles ready or not!
I truly believe I have put my heart and soul into this training and whatever happens on the day I don't think I could have prepared myself more!
I WILL get a PB!
I have decided to set myself three goals for the marathon like I did last time!
An "In my dreams" finish time, a "realistic" finish time and the slowest time I could deal with!
Last time my realistic time was 4:20 and I finished in 4:21:30 so I wasn't too far out!
So here goes!
a) In my dreams - 3 hours 59 minutes! (average pace 9:09 min/miles)
b) Realistic - 4 hours 8 minutes! (average pace 9:27 min/miles)
c) Worst case scenario - 4 hours 20 minutes! (average pace 9:54 min/miles)
So tomorrow's run is all about experimenting with pace!
I am going see what pace I can maintain for the duration of the run to give me a better idea of what I am capable of on the day!
However, I must remember that I will be stronger under race day conditions!
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