I never sleep well when I've been drinking and last night was no exception! I was awake at 5am, and eventually decided to get up at 6.30am! Feeling slightly queasy I set about filling the recycling bin with a vast combination of bottles and cans and doing a general tidy up! Once the house looked a little less like it had been trashed by burglars I ventured outside taking the dog on a walk to gauge how my body would react to exercise! I had a general feeling of ickiness, a pounding head and churning stomach and decided to make it a short walk. I was grateful to get home without vomiting in the street or passing out and I decided languishing on the sofa groaning loudly and watching TV was the order of the day!
Run with a Hangover (RWH)
However, I'm not very good at sitting around doing nothing so a couple of hours later I decided to bite the bullet and RWH! I thought a short run might help move the alcohol and its nasty toxins out of my system - Alcohol is evil but I will never learn! Whilst I'd been sitting around doing very little I had tried to rehydrate my body by drinking plenty of water and I managed to stomach a banana.
Well, I eventually got up off the sofa and ran, but felt like death the entire time! Perhaps I was still drunk who knows?
As my Achilles was still feeling delicate (as well as my head and stomach now) I decided to try to run on soft tracks and trails and not so much on the road! Yet again it was raining the wet stuff - very, very, very fine rain but very wet all the same!!
I managed a 3.32 mile run, but it felt more like a half marathon! I didn't feel on top of the world afterwards and the endorphins certainly didn't seem to kick in!!
At home I showered, ate and then settled back down onto the sofa (the safe sanctuary I shouldn't have left!) - this time however football was on and my husband had control of the remote!
Later in the day, once the rain had stopped I decided to venture out again (kill or cure) and managed a short fairly enjoyable walk!
All in all its been a long tiring day and I'm now ready for my bed!
"I promise that I will do my best, to love my legs and my body, to detox this week so I have the will to run and keep the Janathon going "
Running Miles: 3.33 milesView my walks on: http://runkeeper.com/user/fitlesley/activity/65488304
Time: 32 minutes 40 seconds
Average pace: 9.51
Average speed: 6.09 MPH
View my run on: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/139905433
Janathon total to date:
Running - 33.52
Walking - 8.82 miles
Total Janathon Mileage - 44.72
As well as completing the Janathan this month, I have pledged to try and run/walk 2012 miles in 2012! The Janathon has helped give me a kick start to reach this goal and I only have 1967 (The year I was born incidentally!) miles to go!
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