"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: A stressful day ...

Wednesday 12 June 2013

A stressful day ...

relieved with a run ... and obliterated with wine!

After a extremely busy day at work, immediately followed by an extremely stressful meeting that went on til 6.30pm I was feeling ever so slightly stressed by the time I got home. 

I immediately got changed into my running gear and went out for a run! My plan stated a 3 mile Tempo run, which I attempted to do but was feeling extremely tired throughout and felt I like it nearly killed me!  It's not a good sign for Sunday's Half Marathon!  At least it stopped raining momentarily so I didn't get wet to add insult to injury! I ran 3.60 miles in 31 minutes. My pace was for mile one 8:32, mile two 8:36, mile three 8:53 but I felt like I had run much faster! You can see my run here.

My average heart rate was only 162 BPM but I felt like it was close to Heart attack speed!  

Perhaps I just wasn't in the right frame of mind!

Wine O clock now - see if that hits the parts my run missed!

Tomorrow is another day! 

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