"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Last Run!

Thursday 13 June 2013

Last Run!

It has rained most of the day today so I was lucky to eventually get out for a run at 20 past 6 and for it to be dry and to STAY dry!

Today's run was prescribed as an "Easy Run" on the Marathon Plan and with having Freckleton half marathon on Sunday I needed it to be easy! My legs need to be as fresh as possible if I am going to get the PB I am hankering after.

I really enjoyed the run!  I didn't stress about my pace or heart rate I just put my i-pod on and relaxed.  I was surprised to see once I got home that I had maintained an average Heart Rate of 149 BPM which is exactly what I have been trying to achieve!  My average pace was 9.15 minute miles so not as slow as I had expected considering I wasn't putting any effort in!  I suppose the moral of the story is don't try too hard!  You can view my run here. 

So as I have already mentioned that was my last run until Sunday! I'm slightly nervous about Sundays race, but I don't really know why!  

I think one thing that is stressing me out is the fact it is a 2pm start!  

I'm used to morning races so don't really have the experience of what to eat and when for a 2pm start!  My usual routine is porridge and a banana then run, but on Sunday I will have to have lunch as well as breakfast!!! 

If I am totally honest another thing that is stressing me is the fact I desperately want a half marathon PB!  

I know it is almost impossible to  get a new personal best every time you run a race but my last half Marathon PB was way back in March 2012!  This was only my second time racing this distance but I have since run 4 more and have failed to beat this!  

I have been told to maintain a steady pace for the first 10 miles and then really push the pace for the final 3!  Easier said then done when you have nothing left in the tank!

BUT ...  I am going to have a PMA!  

I WILL run well and I WILL get a PB!

I have put the training in so now is the time to reap the rewards!

I WILL get a PB!

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