"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: It's a rest day! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

It's a rest day! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

When I woke up this morning I tentatively stretched whilst still lying down before I risked getting out of bed!  I was concerned that my leg muscles might object after the bashing they endured last night.  However, I felt no ill effects from stretching and flexing said muscles so I decided to risk getting out of bed.  

I pushed myself to a sitting position and sat on the edge of the bed … taking a deep breath I braved standing … not a twinge, spasm or an ache! It was amazing!

YIPPEE! I had survived my first ever sports massage and my legs appeared to have appreciated the unwanted attention!

I have felt very tired in myself all day, but I had no grumblings from my legs!  Perhaps a regular sports massage is the way to go!

Thankfully today was a designated rest day on the Marathon Plan which is just as well really as Al my Physio who did my sports massage recommended a day of no exercise today to let my muscles settle back down.

Al is the same Physio who put me back together after my ankle injury, and he asked if I was still doing my ankle exercises.  I had to be honest and admit that since all the pain had gone from my ankle I had stopped - mainly because I kept forgetting with no pain to remind me!

I was informed my ankle was still "slack" and that I must be diligent  with the exercises until it's back to full strength or there is a high possibility of it "going" again!  He did add that due to the seriousness of my original injury that I might never regain full strength in it!

Its a scary thought being incapacitated again! 

I must, I must I must improve my .... ankle!

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