"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: The end of Janathon and the world as I know it ...

Friday 18 January 2013

The end of Janathon and the world as I know it ...

You may or may not have noticed that I didn't blog yesterday!

Well after coming home from work I decided to go for a short run as I was going out later in the evening.  I set off with a 4 mile route in mind but after just 2 miles I felt an awful pain in my ankle and something seemed to "POP!".  I stopped to assess the damage but couldn't work out what I had done - I didn't trip, fall or go over on it at all. There was no way I could continue running so I slowly limped home.  After getting warm running and then to start walking (and slowly) I soon cooled down, and before long I was shivering but couldn't speed up due to the pain - very frustrating!!! I couldn't even ring to get a lift as no one was home! When I eventually made it home I immediately took my trainers off (with great difficulty!) elevated and iced it as well as taking painkillers and using Ibuleve Gel.  Eventually it felt slightly better so went to get showered and changed as I was going out for tea then going to the Cinema to see Les Miserables. With food and wine in me I started to feel more optimistic but during the film my foot started to throb and become very uncomfortable.  It was a mighty long film and although I enjoyed it I was relieved when it ended so I could get some movement in my foot!  Unfortunately, that was very difficult!  I got home took more painkillers and iced it again before making it to bed for midnight.  I was very uncomfortable all night and even with not moving at all I was in incredible pain. I was relieved when it was morning and I could get up!  Unfortunately when I tried to stand up I realised I couldn't! I phoned in sick at work and my husband drove me to A & E! 

Luckily it was quiet and I was soon seen and X-rayed!  After being x-rayed and the nurse seeming to enjoy putting my foot through very painful manipulation I was informed I have lateral ankle ligament damage! I now have crutches to master and cannot weight bear for 3 days.  After this its slowly slowly does it! It looks like I have a very depressing few weeks ahead of me!  

So Janathon has come to an abrupt halt along with Jantastic! I have many races booked for the coming weeks which I really can't see me being fit for!  The first being a 10K on Sunday in Carlisle - DEFINITELY a NO NO!

So now what?  All I can see is a big black hole ahead.  Feel completely bereft with the thought of no running or exercise for several weeks to come! What do people who don't run do with their time? 


  1. oH NO! Poor you, what a nightmare. I hope it recovers soon!

    1. Thank you! It's nice to know someone actually reads my rantings!!!
