"} Get a life, Get active! By Fit Lesley: Week 7 starts in the sun!

Monday 3 June 2013

Week 7 starts in the sun!

I am NOT complaining but its been another hot day today! 
 I am quite relieved I got into the Tri Swimming Club training session tonight or I would have felt obligated to go for a run and I would have probably died in the heat! 
 When it is very hot I prefer to cycle rather than run, but unfortunately my bike is having it's yearly service and needs a new chain and sprocket so will be away for a few days! It is just typical that the sun decides to shine whilst I can't cycle.

As I was saying I did go swimming which was a refreshing way to cool down but not very relaxing!  I was in my usual slow beginners group and we started off by doing 8 warm up lengths, followed by lots and lots and lots of lengths practising different drills before doing 6 cool down lengths.  The coach actually suggested I was ready to move up a group next time - yikes I'm not sure I'm ready for that but if he thinks I am I will give it a go!

I am ever so slightly nervous about what I have let myself in for tomorrow evening! 
One of the triathletes at the club is a Doctor and was offering to do V02 max test for those who were interested.  

My first question was “What is a VO2 max test?”  and my next question was "What does it involve?!". 
 Apparently ...
 V02 max is the maximum capacity of an individuals body to transport and use oxygen during incremental exercise, which reflects the physical fitness of the individual. 
 and the answer to what does it involve was basically ...
 "VO2 max test involves sitting on an exercise bike attached to heart monitor/face mask etc. You pedal at a constant speed as the resistance increases until you can pedal no more, with me shouting at you to keep going until you are absolutely jiggered!

By measuring oxygen consumption and other things we can work out VO2max, functional threshold HR, anaerobic threshold and efficiency of your aerobic system. This will all help to work out your HR training zones"
I don't like to sound ungrateful but the idea of working so hard I come close to throwing up doesn't really sound appealing but being a glutton for punishment I couldn't resist and found myself agreeing to this form of punishment! I thought it might be a stupid  fun idea to give it a try and see how fit I really am, or am not as the case may be! 
Could it be like this tomorrow night? I have no idea!
 So at 6pm tomorrow evening think of me and what I am putting my body through for the sake of fitness!  As well as abusing my body with exercise I have to starve it too! Apparently it's best to do the test whilst you are slightly hungry so I have been told to have a light lunch and then nothing else until after the test except water. Under NO circumstances am I to have any fizzy drinks tomorrow!

Basically, I think they are saying in a round about way "Don't eat or drink because we don't want you throwing up over the equipment when we work you so hard you think you might die!" 

Although I am very interested in the results and how this will help me train in the future, the process is making me very, very nervous! 

IF I survive to tell the tale - I will tell it tomorrow!  Come back then!

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